I am part of a great writers’ group that meets weekly to critique members’ work and to support one another in our writing journey. We recently started a podcast to discuss writing craft. Our fifth episode is now live on YouTube.
Our question for this podcast: “What does writer’s block look like for you, and how do you get past it?”
In this episode we discuss our own experiences.
I firmly believe that writer’s block is real. I experience it when I am overwhelmed with a story and don’t know where to start, and also when my life is overwhelming. In the podcast, I discuss some of the techniques I use to decrease my overwhelm and to get words on the page.
My colleagues, Carl and Avis, don’t believe in writer’s block – they just have times where it is harder to write and they offer what they do to deal with that. Melanie used to think the same way, but encounters writer’s block now in the editing phase. Wendy views writer’s block as a procrastination monster to be beaten. All have great suggestions. Join us?
My partners on the podcast include (in alphabetical order):
- Avis Adams, an amazing published poet and YA writer whose novel is under consideration by an editor
- Carl Lee, a writer of paranormal fantasy – his first novel has also generated interest from an editor
- Melanie MacDonald, a mystery writer editing her first novel
- Wendy Kendall, the author of a published cozy mystery
Watch now at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7lwwJBZ-Qc&fbclid=IwAR3dwR0axlmPIOUPeakgGqXOdpZyKuCOW_SJOkZh5MKGqtjPm_m0itecCR4&app=desktop
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see our subsequent videos! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj5RZS7tkuPKB4rvfWuER9Q
The Facebook page is at: https://www.facebook.com/flamingoswritenow/